delilahlove (deleted)
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`It might be a little difficult for a spirit being to have s----l relations with another spirit being. It would be like two puffs of smoke passing through each other. They are two separate entities, yet can become one.
Just as Jesus and the Father are one, yet separate individuals. We too through our spirit beings can become one with Christ, the anointed, and God our Father. The more we yield our body soul and mind to Jesus, the more the Holy Spirit fills us and Jesus can work through us. This is how we worship God, in spirit and in truth.
Remember how Phillip was transferred from the place he was to the place where God wanted him to be so Phillip could help the man (centurian) understand the Bible scriptures? God literally picked Phillip up in his spirit, and in an instant Phillip was at the location that God had wanted him to be. If you read the Bible, you will find Jesus escaping the hands of His enemy by disappearing right in the midst of them. Jesus was no magician, though He was accused of it. Jesus also walked through walls. After Jesus was crucified and the disciples were gathered in a home discussing what Mary had told them about seeing Jesus alive, Jesus just walked through the wall into the house and that's when doubting Thomas asked to see the nail prints on Jesus' hands.
How was Jesus able to disappear and walk through walls? How was He able to come alive from the dead after being resurrected, and bringing some 400 other believers with Him from their graves? It was through the resurrection power of the Holy Spirit. Jesus was filled with the Power of the Holy Spirit, and because He daily and perhaps by the minute of His treacherous life kept yielding His life to the Father, He walked with God.
Jesus was one with God. Jesus said He doesn't do anything unless the Father in heaven tells Him to do it. Because of Jesus continuous humbling of Himself and His constant resubmitting His own life for that of the Father, Jesus walked in God's Power of the Holy Spirit. And this same Holy Spirit that's guided so many of the saints since the world began, such as Moses, is still here just waiting for us to yield our lives to God and receive the baptism of the Holy Ghost.
Remember, Jesus wasn't the only one who walked on water. Remember, Peter, the fisherman, a mere man, also walked on water. Peter walked on top of the water of the sea. How? Because he had faith. Just a tiny bit like a mustard seed is all we need to command a mountain to fall into the sea. A mountain. Can we walk on water? Can we raise the dead? Can we speak to a mountain and have it cast into a sea? Can we, lie Moses speak to a rock and command water to flow from it? Can we part the sea as Moses did? Yes, we can. That is "if" we can let go of ourselves for just a moment, just like Peter did and Trust God so completely with our life, that we walk on water. But it is hard, because it goes against our very carnal. flesh and blood nature. Even Peter, who KNEW Jesus first hand still doubted and looked away from Jesus at the sea and the circumstances and began plummeting into the sea. That lack of faith is killer, literally. Jesus said people perish for lack of knowledge. Lack of knowledge of thei wonderful keys to the kingdom of God that Jesus took back from satan so that we elievers can walk in faith and all things ARE possible to those who BELIEVE. Amen and Amen!
We here on Earth can live with one foot in Heaven, and one foot on Earth. We may never be like Enoch in the Bible who walked with God and was a man, or like Elijah who walked with God also and when it was his time to die God sent a chariot pulled by horses from Heaven to come down to Earth to pick him up. What a way to die, lol, to have God send you a chariot from Heaven. But he did, and Elijah had a witness of the event. It was young Elisha, his disciple in training so to speak, and before Elijah could hop on that chariot to Heaven young Elisha ran to him and held him from leaving until Elijah Blessed him with a Double portion of the anointing that Elijah had. I guess Elisha figured Elijah would have more than enough anointing up in Heaven, so he might as well get some. And Elijah did Bless the young Elisha with a Double portion of the strong anointing that he had and went to be with the Lord in Heaven.
In heaven, I do believe people acknowledge their family, and friends. Whether married or not, I don't believe that we as spirit beings in heaven partake in fleshly, carnal things such as s--. So, I don't think it'd be a big deal if a husband spirit and a wife spirit slept in the same house, or the same bed. There wouldn't be any s----l intercourse because like an angel, they would be in a spirit body.
Remember when Adam and Eve sinned, and they were hiding from the Lord in shame? They had taken fig leaves to cover their nakedness. I believe this to portray that before they sinned, they didn't have a flesh and blood body. They were cloaked in their spirit bodies and were pure and holy before God. Remember, they walked with the Lord in their garden? You have to be pure and holy, filled with the Holy Spirit of God in order to be in the Lord's presence.
Well, Amen and Peace.