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Let us start by taking the first verse

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July 23, 2010
Posts: 144

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I used the King James, along with the strong exhaustive concordance by nelson for those who don't know this concordance has the Greek and the Hebrew Dictionary in it which allows one to know the true meaning of the word .You see these Languages never defer from the true meaning of the word and how it was used. Ok then Genesis, Chapter 1. The Creation, it says in the beginning God created the heaven and earth. The earth was without form and void ok let stop there. We all know that GOD what so ever he touches is made perfect. Then why was this statement made let break it down .If you don't know then let me tell you that it is three earth ages the first had the Dinosaur in which we walk here then in spirit form. This was also know as the over throw of Satan I will get to the other soon but let used this earth age because it applies to this part of the bible. He wanted the seat which was to the right of God When he was told that this seat belong to Christ he was angry with the Lord and Told him since he could not have that seat then he wanted to sit in GOD’s seat up north or Heaven. He was a Cherubim Higher then Angel. In which all he was created to do was to guard the mercy seat. With his pride ridding on high he drew a third of GOD kid's to him self. OK now back to the bible, on how the earth became void and without form. God was very upset with Satan and his kids until he shook the earth and all of the places move from their original spot and if you need to place then all together and you will see how everything fit into one place which is Africa so now we know how the earth became without form and void I was always told to understand the end one need to know the beginning will write to you again soon.

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May 30, 2009
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`sometimes one can read and not understand and then one can read to much and still remain lost.I'm not sure why you are deciding to print such confusion but dear it is confusion inthat you say satan has kids,no he doesn' say satan was a cherubim no he wasn't he was an archangel created to praise God.He wanted to be equal to God.God wasn't upset he just cast satan out of heaven.If satan landed in africa then that might help explain the bad element which is running from end to end over is cursed as is egypt.where the bible speaks about sidon that is africa.I have no idea what you mean by an overthrow of satan nor about three earth ages or pretty much any of the other stuff.ok keep reading the living word and keep praying and asking for understanding gbu

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July 23, 2010
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July 23, 2010
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Let get something straight here just because you don't understand it does not make it confusion. I did not make it to be 50 years old and still in the dark. If you don’t like what I say move on. What make your word Gold? You need to study more if you think that he "Satan" was not a cherub or should I ask you do you know what the meaning of the word is never understood why people talk on what they no not like your self. Archangel is messages of God He was "Satan" created for only one thing and it was to guard the mercy sit. Don't know what bible you study in and don't care. oh about Satan landed in Africa you must be one of those individual with little or no education on a lot of thing .Don't know what your fears are but let me first tell you that I know who I am and where I came from and where I am going. I also study and this continent's can fit like a puzzle piece and make one big place call Africa so sorry if that scare the heck out of you. In closing your belief is just that you’re got it. Studies to show your self approve, when you attain my education level get back at me with some real talk about our Father God and his Son. I am not into those who are playing that old racist game. Those who have short views not learn. You got not idea about what I am saying then you should have kept quite. Only speak when you know a thing why make your self look silly. Oh by the way if you said Satan has no kids Then why did Jesus said you are of your father the devil and I am guessing that you also believe that she being eve ate a apple and became pregnant Find the word apple in the bible for me for all other who will read this post show your self approve before posting. That goes for anything know a thing before speaking on it I do study.

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May 30, 2009
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`in genesis ch.3 v.24 says"so he drove outthe man,and he placed cherubim at the east of the garden of eden,and a flaming sword which turned every way to guard the way to the tree of life.(I think this is where you get the cherubim from) back in verse 4 it says"then the serpent said to the woman"you will not surely die".Then look at verse 14 which says"So the Lord God said to the serpent because you have done this you are cursed more than all cattle and more than every beast of the field.On your belly you shall go and you shall eat dust all the days of your life."..In Isaiah ch 14 v. 12"how you are fallen from heaven O lucifer son of the morning,how you are cut down to the ground, you who weakened the nations."It says lucifer means day star in the middle of the text where you look for definitions on the words with numbers by them.I read also in Luke ch 10 v. 18"and he said to them"I saw satan fall like lightning from heaven".In the bible only mentions the names of four angels from the countless millions that have been created. They are Gabrielle, whose name means, "God is Mighty", Michael, whose name means, "Like God", Raphael, whose name means, "God Heals", and Lucifer, whose name means, "Light Bearer". All of them were created good!It was Lucifer who rebelled against God and who through pride, coveted the Throne of God and the worship that belonged to God alone. This resulted in a mighty war in Heaven. Lucifer, along with one third of the angelic host was defeated by the Archangel Michael and was cast down from Heaven to the earth where he became known as "Satan", a name which literally means; "Adversary" as well as "Devil", which means, "Accuser of the brethren". *And there was war in heaven* refers to the events prior to the creation of Adam. We find this in Genesis 2: 9, where God warns about two trees in the middle of the Garden of Eden, the Tree of Life, and the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil.Cast down before the creation of Adam, Lucifer, referred to as the serpent is already on the earth. The two trees with either eternal life or eternal death were there before the creation of Adam, and so God did not tempt Adam with the Tree of the knowledge of good and evil as many might think, but simply warned Adam of the danger and consequence already present...Jesus referred to the war in heaven because he was there. Jesus is the Word Incarnate; the Word that created all things, including Lucifer and it is against Jesus, the Word; truth, that Lucifer rebelled, and that war continues to this very day.
Scripture also refers to Lucifer by many other names all of which describe his "fallen nature." These names are, "Beelzebub", "Prince of Darkness", "King of Tyre", "Father of Lies". "Day Star", "The Thief", "god of this world" but, never Lucifer again. He is no longer entitled to that name which described his original nature and ministry. Perhaps this would be a good time to put Satan in his proper place and perspective because in these days he is being worshipped as a god by many people around the world..Just like all the other angels he was created by God and therefore by definition, he is not God. Satan is a creature and therefore he is subject to God like all else in heaven and earth and he has no more rights or power than God allows.Hiding in myth is a good trick if he can get away with it. It suits his purpose when the only ones who do not believe that he exists are the only ones who can dislodge him from his strongholds. His "new look" is called the "New Age."
This is just new packaging for a very old thing: Sorcery. It's selling well at the moment and it has even got through to Christians who have lowered their defences against a subtle sales pitch aimed at a spiritual void.One of the most nefarious examples today is the message of Marilyn Manson's "Anti Christ Superstar." This album solicits acceptance of Manson as a saviour. It calls young people to kill their parents and whoever else they see as their enemy and then kill themselves. According to Manson, this is how they get saved and set free.....I am praying that this helps and I am praying that the true enemy of us all is revealed especially to the church and to the seed of the righteous who know that our righteousness is of our Lord and King Jesus.gbu

Last edited by southernfinery on Sat May 07, 2011 10:45 am; edited 1 time in total
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July 23, 2010
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`How is this a answer to my question my friend?

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May 30, 2009
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`hopefully ALL who read will learn something and will be edified by the truth of the word.

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July 23, 2010
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`This has been going on to long. Why me I don't know you ? What is it I got you want.

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May 30, 2009
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`the bible is Jesus and he is for all.He says that the well have no need of a physician when he was asked why he was eating with the tax collectors and the such.When you know better you do better so if I can help someone know the truth of the word better then that is a true delight for me and one of my passions is the bible as it is my Lord and saviour Jesus Christ and my wish is for all of mankind to be saved.

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