Joined: May 30, 2009
Posts: 387
Posted: Post subject: doing the work of God |
I have listened to countless others saying and teaching that in order to get to heaven you have to do works to earn your kingdom living and entrance into.There have been so many arguments and division about this very topic and there have been those that pull up verses to back up there point of view but the majority of these verses are taken out of context and reapplied to something self-serving.I read and try to study as I am lead and pray that I get a clear understanding of his words.I believe that quoting our Lord Jesus is the best imo.In John ch.6 v.28 "then they said to him,'what shall we do that we may work the works of God?'v.29 Jesus answered and said to them,'this is the work of God, that you believe in him whom he sent'...........pretty simple huh? May God have mercy on us and on our nation.GBU