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God created man on two separate occasions

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July 23, 2010
Posts: 144

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In (Genesis) 1-26 this is the six day man in which GOD created man in his own image and likeness He created all the races on this day with the exception of the Caucasian man. (Genesis) 2 -7 then on the eight day GOD form this man from the dust of the ground. And gave him a breath of life this was the Caucasian man.

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May 30, 2009
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`in genesis 1;29 it says"and God said see I have given you every herb that yeilds and every tree whose fruit yeilds seed" then in ch 2 verse 5 says"before any plant of the field was in the earth and before any herb of the field had grown.chapter 2 is revitalizing ch.1 and laying out history and it says that this is the history.Trying to use the living word of God(which is Jesus) to try to make any human being feel like the outsider is predestined to not end the way one hopes it will and for that matter,nor will it alienate anyone especially because of the color of their skin.gbu

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July 23, 2010
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`oh child why do you feel the need to try to change my meaning of my own word I am mix so I don't ued the color skin thing. If that make you feel like a out sider thenyou must be I live out side of the box you need to try it are just trying to start something that will never work because when you tried to be mean I just pray and I will let you know that I serve a God who sit high and look low. nothing you can say or do will cause me to be the person you are trying to make me out to be. or how about this just maybe you should have check out my profile and then you would have seen I am mix never play the skin color game with me honey. I feel so sad for you.

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July 23, 2010
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`To whom every want to check out what I have post ,Please do read Genesis 1 verse 26 and Then look at chapter 2 verse 1 thus the Heavens and the earth were finished,and all the host of them. Please pay attention to what is said here ok then read chapter 2 verse 7 and if their is still doubt just put it up on the shelf and pray about it.oh by the way let's not over look the seventh day God ended his work which he had made and rested from all his work which he had made, If someone out their care to explain away what I post please do so but come with so hard fact . This lady post and she said In Genesis chapter 1 verse 29 means history , Don't know what she is trying to say you see chapter 1 verse 29 speaks on provision of food ( Lord help us all). I am still trying to find out how food became history.Please don't take my word for it get out your own bible and do read it for yourself I did not join this site to get involve in someone personal battle.nor with any indirect indignity. If by any chance you don't agree with me you can do two thing post or keep on going not here to made my belief yours ,but this why this site is here to point about God and so I did.

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May 30, 2009
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`ok you can feel sad but please not for me because I have the truth and the light and his name is Jesus.I am sorry that you feel attacked but that wasn't what I was doing.Your words clearly imply the division you have with the"races"in your own heart because in Gods eyes there is no division.Not one race is better then the other.Actually I only use the word race because I know that is the way human beings try to separate themselves from others like them.God created the color chart for the human beings and he doesn't make mistakes.I think it is extremely sad that there are churches that actually abide by some color chart and the ignorant way of thinking about their fellow human beings.We all have a choice to make and if we proclaim our salvation then we mustn't draw lines in the sand about skin colors.I know you are mixed,I could see that in your pic.What I have come to know about alot(not all) mixed folks is that they claim their african-american side and denounce their caucasion side.I'm not saying this is what your doing but one could easily draw that conclusion by the way you write and what your writing about.The word of God says he created man in his image and in six days it was done because on the seventh he rested after he saw that it was good.I'm sorry you don't understand the english language as strongly as you could but that is your perference.My dear please don't continue on this slippery slope trying to mix up the holy word of God because it will lead to your falling.We can't add to his words and he tells us not to.Please put away this sinful act because you are to young my dear and you don't have a clear understanding of his words.Please forgive me but I felt lead to say this.GBU and keep studying his word.Also try just reading in the kjv and not all the other versions.The kjv is annointed and when you touch it you will know you are touching Jesus

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July 23, 2010
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`Ok I will not write here any more because I did not come to the site to fight against any one about what they beleive in, It is not in me nor my style, or intention's Now just to be clear about me not posting any more It is this nothing more or less .I don't like offending anyone ( Sorry to all who took offence )Will not push what I know on anyone. Most inportant is because I am not trying to spent time going back and forward with Religous view and difference view on the bible you see The bible was not intended for one man or woman to interuped it full meaning.We as a individual will never know the complete truth about the bible on a personal not writting for a single man or woman to interupt it full meaning Therfore their had been different view on any one subject. You are entitled to input it meaning your way and I will my way. I Will set the record straight. I am mix but not white if you need to know I am a Black/ Cherokee. from both side Not sure just how you came to that conclusion dear. I read only from the King's James Version. nothing else I have Spent 27 years with bible in hand dear. Done writting here.May we all serve God and his son Jesus Christ at all times amen. Good bye.

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May 30, 2009
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`well thats a smart approach and gbu for seeing the error of your ways.I think it was big of you to apologize and I accept.In your jehovah witness way of thinking,your confusion is predestined but for the jehovah witnesses I have come across,your way of thinking is more a brainwashing then an understanding.I am glad therefore that you are on here so you can be exposed to the truth and we will trust the holy spirit to do the rest.gbu

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July 23, 2010
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`Listen here I know that I said that I was not going to post again but you don't know me who do you think you are? I not a jehovah witness in no way and I don't have any thing against any one who is shame on you to think that you better then are so uneducated in many ways to me you are trash. How can you teach me something when your level of education must be only high school This is giving you the benefit of doubt. I left this site because of you .Don't pretend that you know anything about me . I saw your pic ( Got no friend') huh sorry. p.s. I was not apologize to you in no way. Ddon't want to chat with you again what are you physco ???????????????????????/?????

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July 23, 2010
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`oh my God I post here just to express my feeling and what I learn over my life time. I am so proud to say that I am 50 year's of age. God has allow me to reach my start of what I will call my Golden age So Glad that he has allow my sister's and brother's as well as my mother my (dad is gone) kid's and grand kid's to still be here.What a friend I have in Jesus.

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May 30, 2009
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`pride goeth before destruction.

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February 1, 2012
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If you look at the first two books of the bible you do see what seems to be two different accounts. In actuality one is brief overview and the other is more detailed of the same account.

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`It never ceases to amaze me how some people interpret the Bible the way they see fit. But God tells us in His word that many will preach a "different" message. 2 Corinthians 11:4 says: For if he who comes preaches another Jesus whom we have not preached, or if you receive a different spirit which you have not received, or a different gospel, which you have not accepted, you may well put up with it."

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July 23, 2010
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`"`It never ceases to amaze me how some people interpret the Bible the way they see fit. But God tells us in His word that many will preach a "different" message. 2 Corinthians 11:4 says: For if he who comes preaches another Jesus whom we have not preached, or if you receive a different spirit which you have not received, or a different gospel, which you have not accepted, you may well put up with it."

1 CORINTHIANS CHAPTER 12 Verses 1 - 11 Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren. I would not have you ignorant. Ye know that ye were Gentiles, carried away unto these dumb idols, even as ye were led. Wherefore I give you to understand, that no man speaking by the Spirit of God calleth Jesus is the Lord, but by the Holy Ghost. Now there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit. and there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord. and there are diversities of operations but it is the same God which worketh all in all But the manifestation of the Spirit is given to every man to profit withal. For to one is given by the Spirit the word of wisdom; to another the word of knowledge by the same spirit; to another faith by the same spirit to another the gifts of healing by the same Spirit; to another the working of miracles; to another prophecy; to another discerning of the spirit; to another divers kinds of tongues. to another the interpretation of tongues. But all these worketh that one and the selfsame Spirit,dividing to every man severally as he will.
To whom it may concern You ways of belief is just that your ways I know that no one person know the bible and it has many interpretations .Simply because the Lord give us what he want us to have Now if by chance I put it or say it in the way I receive it As long as I Believe in my Father and His Son Jesus who Die on the cross for my sins and Rose with all Power. What should you care If I Interrupt the Bible with what Wisdom God has Giving me, I had some lady here who had something to say every time I wrote anything Here. kinda like a stalker. So I left . I Never question what wisdom God has giving to anyone on this site. Mother Told me a long time ago if you don't have something good to say then keep it to yourself. It never ceases to amaze me either how people think that their opinion is right or their view on this or that is the only righteous way. My only son is a Baptist Preacher. My oldest is obtaining her Master with a Dual Degree and my Baby is in College For Medicine. Guess I am not that Illiterate seeing How I graduated From a Private College myself. Not Bragging but to let those who think that I am stupid understand. I prayed our way in this life on my knees ok and I taught them about God and His son Jesus No one is in jail or in the streets Even My Grand kids will tell you about our Father In Heaven . In case you can not understand what I am getting at . Guess I could not had been that far off In my Father Word or interpret the way I see fit huh?.

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July 23, 2010
Posts: 144

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`Well Guess this will be it I am wise enough to move on . Good Bye Bibble Passion I can not take being here simply because I thought that this was a Compassion site . My Bag.

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